




【主 讲 人】林予彰 美国麻省大学罗维尔分校电气与计算机工程系助理教授


林予彰,获得清华学士和硕士学位以及美国东北大学博士学位,现任美国麻省大学罗维尔分校电气与计算机工程系助理教授。他目前是期刊CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems的编辑,同时是10余个其他国际著名学术期刊的审稿人。他发表了30余篇SCI/EI论文。他的研究领域包括:智能电网建模、监测、数据分析和信息物理安全。他开发的用于校正和监测参数和量测误差的算法已经被应用于ISO New England电力系统.


The talk addresses several key problems for reliable and efficient modeling and monitoring of smart grids. For model calibration, a new framework for identification and correction of model parameter errors is presented. The Largest Normalized Lagrange Multiplier (LNLM) test is introduced, and approaches for enhancing the reliability and computational efficiency of model error identification are presented. Real-world case studies on the ISO New England system are demonstrated. For system monitoring, a unified robust state estimation approach against measurement and parameter errors is introduced. A fast and parallel implementation of bad data processing methods is also presented. Finally, the cyber-security issues in the modeling of smart grids are discussed. A security vulnerability regarding model databases which may affect the operation of electricity markets is identified, and possible countermeasures are discussed.


