Hydrologic Modeling across Scales: Opportunities and Challenges


讲座题目Hydrologic Modeling across Scales: Opportunities and Challenges



主 讲 人】楚学丰 教授


楚学丰教授现任职于北达科他州立大学(North Dakota State University),土木与环境工程系主任(代)。主要研究方向:流域水文模拟和多尺度地表径流模拟,污染物在地表地下系统运移模拟和环境评价,以及地下水模拟和水资源管理。2002年博士毕业后,曾先后就职于美国密歇根州雄谷州立大学、美国环保部(Environmental Protection Agency,EPA)和北达科他州立大学,期间一直担任美国国家环境保护署(USEPA) FIFRA科学顾问团成员。近年来,主持和参与了20多个美国国家科学基金和其它联邦机构(USEPA, NASA, USGS, USDOT等)资助的科研项目(总经费300 多万美元)。2007年获得美国国家科学基金(NSF)CAREER奖, 2015年获ASCE副主编奖。楚学丰教授担任10多个ASCE技术委员会主席和副主席等职务,现任美国ASCE水文工程期刊的副主编,曾担任近40个学术期刊的审稿人。科研成果发表于Water Resources Research, Journal of Hydrology, Advances in Water Resources, Hydrological Processes等主要水文水资源期刊,是美国水资源协会(AWRA)、美国国家地下水协会(NGWA)成员,曾主持世界环境与水资源大会。


Hydrologic processes are affected by numerous factors, such as surface topography, climate, land covers, and soil types. The response of a hydrologic system to any natural and anthropogenic changes can vary significantly across micro-, meso-, and macro-scales. Can we really develop a model to quantify all processes and their dynamic interactions in such a complex system? It is surely a long journey with numerous uncertainties. This talk will focus on quantifying hydrotopographic dynamics across different scales and under varying climate conditions. The specific topics involve characterization of surface topography, evaluation of digital elevation models and their scaling effects, analysis of hydrologic connectivity and the associated threshold behaviors, and modeling of variability and hierarchy of hydrologic processes. This talk will also cover several new modeling approaches, including multi-scale modeling and joint simulation of subbasin-based and grid-based models. Particularly, research gaps, future opportunities, and potential challenges will be discussed.
